Humanity Research Consultancy

Modern Slavery Helpline Directory

Modern slavery helplines play a pivotal role in understanding and handling the risks of modern slavery because they can gather information from those who are seeing and experiencing exploitation first-hand. No matter where you are, if you know or think a person has been trafficked or forced to work against their will, there are helplines you can turn to for help. Here is a list of the organisations working to end modern slavery and human trafficking in countries all around the world with their hotlines that you can call for assistance. (The managing authorities for these helpline numbers are written inside the brackets). Please note: Phone numbers are subject to change. If any of the given numbers and hotlines do not work, we recommend you to contact the relevant local authorities for assistance.

(The managing authorities for these helpline numbers are written inside the brackets). 

Please note: Phone numbers are subject to change. If any of the given numbers and hotlines do not work, we recommend you to contact the relevant local authorities for assistance


Attorney Trafficking and Exploitation of People – PROTEX (Government of Argentina)

Human Trafficking Hotline (Ministry of Justice and Human Rights)


Anti-Slavery Australia

(Non-governmental Organisation, NGO)


Hotline for Human Trafficking (Austrian Criminal Intelligence Service and Government of Austria


Brazil Hotline for Human Rights (Government of Brazil)


National Network for the Assistance and Protection of Human Trafficking Victims

(Government of France)


Hotline for victims of Trafficking

(Government Hungary, NGO)


Anti-Trafficking Helpline

(Ministry of Home Affairs)

Childline India

(Ministry of Women and Child Development, NGO)


Hotline for the Confidential Reporting of Suspicions of Trafficking

(Department of Justice, Government of Ireland)


National Hotline Against Trafficking

(Department for Equal Opportunities, Government of Italy)


Japan Network Against Trafficking in Persons (JNATIP)

(Government of Japan, NGO)


Childline Kenya 

(NGO, Government of Kenya)


Hotline Against Trafficking

(Government of Latvia)


CoMensha, Independent Coordination Center



National Anti-Trafficking Hotline, Council for Anti-Trafficking in Persons and Anti-Smuggling of Migrants

(Government of Malaysia)

United States of America

National Human Trafficking Hotline

(U.S. Department of State)

International TIP (Trafficking in Persons) Line

Communicating your experiences and reporting situations of exploitation and abuse are one of the first steps to ending modern slavery and human trafficking.