Weltweit Milliardenschäden durch die Betrugsmasche „Pig-Butchering-Scam“

This article by German news agency Justizpressedienst covers our Founder and Director Mina Chiang’s recent press conference in Germany, where she spoke alongside senior public officials to bring attention to the human trafficking involved in the organised investment scams targeting German citizens.
Georg Eisenreich, Bavarian State Minister of Justice, and Dr. Nino Goldbeck, Senior Public Prosecutor, highlight the damage these scams have caused in Germany, resulting in serious financial losses and instances of suicide among scammed victims. Georg Eisenreich also gave some key advice on how Germans can avoid being scammed.
In the press conference, Mina emphasised that many of the ‘scammers’ are actually victims of forced labour, with urgent action needed through global governmental cooperation necessary in order to halt the proliferation of scamming facilities.
HRC looks forward to collaborating with the Bavarian Central Office of Cybercrime (Zentralstelle Cybercrime Bayern) and the Bavarian Ministry of Justice to combat this crime, and protect victims of both sides.