Videos of Modern Slavery

Men riding motorbikes into the distance
It’s hard to imagine modern slavery in our world. We understand that. So we have compiled some publicly available videos here, showing the stories to raise public awareness.
Play buttonExploiting the Poor – Sex Slavery in Europe | DW Documentary

Exploiting the Poor – Sex Slavery in Europe | DW Documentary

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This video shows the prevalence of sex slavery in Germany. Many young girls with the desire to escape poverty, end up in the hands of sex traffickers. Women from Romania in particular, sometimes fall prey to criminal networks while seeking a better life in Germany. For the most part, the criminals go undetected – because sex work is a perfectly legal job in Germany, provided it is consensual. But estimates suggest that up to 90 percent of the women are forced into the sex trade. Human beings are a lucrative commodity for organised crime. Compared to drugs or weapons, they cost very little. And they can be sold not just once, but repeatedly, every day. Young women seeking to escape poverty in their home countries end up in German brothels. Most of them come from Romania or Bulgaria. Unscrupulous human traffickers lure them with the promise of a well-paid job only to force them into sex slavery. #Sex trafficking, #Human trafficking #Sex slavery
Deception, sexual violence, abuse of vulnerability, physical violence
Play buttonWhat is Forced Organ Harvesting in China – Explainer [UPDATED]

What is Forced Organ Harvesting in China – Explainer [UPDATED]

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This is a compelling 2D animation video that explains forced organ harvesting in China. Forced organ harvesting has been committed for years throughout China on a significant scale. Falun Gong practitioners have been one – and probably the main – source of organ supply. There is extensive evidence suggesting that hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have been killed for their organs in China. And the crime is still going on. Further, the vulnerability of the Uyghurs to be used as a bank of organs is also obvious. This organ trafficking is a human rights abuse that affects all of us. As global citizens, it is our responsibility to speak out against forced organ harvesting in China. #Forced organ harvesting, #Human rights abuse
Deception, physical violence
Play buttonThe Price of Free

The Price of Free

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This documentary tells the story of child labour in India. Over 260 million children are enslaved across several industries, including carpet and garment industries, and sex work. These children were unable to go to school as their families relied on their work, therefore making them vulnerable to exploitation by human traffickers. Once sold on the promise of good wages, the children are treated like cattle, and forced to face physical and mental abuse whilst working gruelling hours in factories. The documentary tells the stories of several of these children, many of whom have spent several months in the factories. Despite several missions to save the children, workers face difficulties as village heads and police officers are often involved in the trade. Ultimately, the tendency in the consumer world for cheap products has been the driving cause of child exploitation, as a massive profit can be obtained from using child workers. The documentary highlights the importance of consumer power, which can empower governments to change the law. #Human trafficking, #forced labour, #hazardous child labour.
Indicators: Abusive working & living conditions, restriction of movement, isolation, abuse of vulnerability, deception, physical violence, intimidation & threats, excessive overtime, withholding of wages
Play button13 Th

13 TH

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‘13th’ encompasses a wide range of topics, but centres around how modern slavery occurs in the US through mass incarceration and the prison system. Despite slavery being outlawed in 1865, a ‘loophole’ in the 13th Amendment allows for individuals to be enslaved if they have been imprisoned. The documentary details how this amendment intertwines with racial dynamics in America, allowing for the ongoing and continual criminalisation of people of colour in the US, particularly black people. With a prison population of over 2 million and 25% of the world’s prison population, the exploitation of criminality and prison labour has become a highly profitable business. The documentary goes beyond just modern slavery, however, and describes the criminalisation of civil rights leaders and the “war on drugs”. This highlights how across the 20th Century and into the 21st Century, a system has been created to incarcerate black people en masse, ensuring the profit off of black bodies not only through their presence in the system, but also through their unpaid slave labour. #Forced labour.
Play buttonThe Baby Stealers

The Baby Stealers

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This is an eye-opening documentary unveiling modern slavery in the heart of Nairobi. It is a result of a year-long investigation by BBC Africa Eye that has uncovered the shocking evidence of a thriving underground network in Kenya that snatches babies from their mothers and sells them for a profit. The secretive and highly lucrative trade preys on the country’s most vulnerable, stealing children from the streets and even the maternity ward of a major government hospital. It is trade in human lives preying on the most vulnerable women in Kenya. #child trafficking #baby stealers #human trafficking
#abuse of vulnerability
Play buttonFear, Hunger and Violence

Fear, Hunger and Violence

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This documentary by the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) shows the brutal and harsh reality of human rights violations in the fishing industry. The documentary unveils the horrendous truth in the Ghanaian fishing industry where Ghanaian crew reports shocking human rights abuses aboard Chinese-owned trawl vessels, from beatings to lack of drinkable water. Foreign ownership of trawlers is illegal in Ghana, but Chinese companies are using Ghanaian front companies to control the industry. Around 90% of the industrial trawlers in Ghana are ultimately owned and financed by Chinese companies in this way. All of the crew members EJF interviewed had witnessed physical abuse at the hands of the senior crew. This documentary highlights the urgent need for transparency measures and enforcement of strict laws in the fishing industry to ensure that vessels operate legally, sustainably, and ethically. #forced labour #human rights abuse #labour exploitation #hazardous work
Abusive working & living conditions, restriction of movement, abuse of vulnerability, deception, physical violence, intimidation & threats, excessive overtime, withholding of wages.