Videos of Modern Slavery

Men riding motorbikes into the distance
It’s hard to imagine modern slavery in our world. We understand that. So we have compiled some publicly available videos here, showing the stories to raise public awareness.
Play buttonInside the Congo cobalt mines that exploit children

Inside the Congo cobalt mines that exploit children

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The global production of cobalt is firmly linked to modern slavery in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Cobalt is a material used in Lithium-ion batteries, and is used by multinational corporations such as Apple, Google, and Microsoft, for smartphones, laptops, and other electronic devices. However, cobalt mines are unmonitored and hazardous, and are linked to child labour, particularly in the southern Congo. Children are frequently forced to work up to 12-hour days just to eat, a privilege that is often withheld as starvation and physical abuse remain common. The inhalation of cobalt dust and direct contact with the material has long-term health implications, as children are not provided face masks or gloves for extraction and are expected to tunnel underground for more material. Mining also causes water pollution for nearby villages and causes health issues ranging from rashes to tumours. Cobalt remains a million-dollar enterprise and is mainly sold to Chinese traders and exported to China for engineering and processes. As the price of the material is a priority, external buyers give little thought to the child labour and working conditions in the mines, enforcing the cycle for years to come. #Forced labour, #hazardous child labour.
Abusive working & living conditions, intimidation & threats, abuse of vulnerability, physical & sexual violence, and excessive overtime
Play buttonFace to Face with Slaves

Face to Face with Slavery

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This documentary/film is about two volunteer filmmakers’ journey to the front lines of slavery around the globe to meet survivors and activists face to face. Their poignant half-hour film uncovers the inhuman brutality of hidden slavery in Nepal, India, Ghana, and the Congo–and bears witness to the inspiring grassroots movement that is bringing thousands of people from slavery to freedom. The documentary is a great initiative of ‘Free the Slaves’ and inspires more action-oriented research, advocacy, and grassroots engagement to end modern slavery, globally. #Human trafficking, #forced labour, #exploitation #slavery
Deception, retention of documentation, debt bondage, withholding of wages, physical and sexual violence, abusive working and living conditions.
Play buttonMigrants for Sale: Slave trade in Libya | Counting the Cost

Migrants for Sale: Slave trade in Libya | Counting the Cost

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In this video, Mahmoud Abdelwahed reports from a detention centre in the Libyan capital Tripoli. The video shows how dreams and aspirations of having a better life may result in poor, hell-like conditions, where African migrants are being sold in slave markets. According to the Al Jazeera reports, the trade works by preying on the tens of thousands of vulnerable people who risk everything on what is being described as the deadliest routes on earth. The migrants shown in the video were rescued by Libya’s coast guards in the Mediterranean and brought to the detention centre in the Libyan capital Tripoli. The migrants have taken a tough journey through the desert and fled war, poverty, and unemployment in their countries. Further, they paid their smugglers to get to Libya to try to cross the Mediterranean, to Europe. With the financial and security collapse in Libya, human trafficking and smuggling have become a growing trade. #Human trafficking, #smuggling, #exploitation #migration
Deception, retention of documentation, debt bondage, withholding of wages, physical violence, abusive working and living conditions
Play buttonColorado Child Trafficking Survivor Reveals Horrifying Trafficking Ordeal

Colorado Child Trafficking Survivor Reveals Horrifying Trafficking Ordeal

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This video showcases how women and girls become victims of Romania’s sex trafficking trade. It shows a report by ITV News on the Sexual Exploitation of females in Romania, who at 14/15 years old are put to work as sex workers in brothels before being sold to exploiters across Europe, including the UK, to be sex workers. The video also shows a 14-years old who is pregnant to a man who abused her in a brothel. The desire for a better life is so acutely felt by Romanians, and their desperation can lead people to the mercy of a trafficker. The government estimated there were between 10,000 to 13,000 victims of trafficking in Britain, however, according to the charity Justice and Care and think tank the Centre for Social Justice the true figure is much higher. #Sex trafficking, #Human trafficking #child-sex trafficking
Deception, sexual violence, abuse of vulnerability
Play buttonGLAA Modern Slavery

Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority Modern Slavery

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This video from the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) shows how the victims of modern slavery may not be immediately visible – but it is important to take action. Modern slavery is hidden in every city across the UK, in many businesses. Could you spot the signs? The video compels us to be more vigilant and active in our surroundings and the people around us. If your suspicions are raised, your choice to act or not to act can have serious consequences. #Forced labour, #Modern slavery #exploitation
Deception, Withholding of wages, physical violence, abusive working and living conditions
Play buttonA victim’s journey – Miriam’s story

A victim’s journey – Miriam’s story

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In this Modern Slavery Police Transformation Unit (MSPTU) video, a victim of modern slavery describes her journey through exploitation and is reunited with the police officer who was the first to listen to her story. She shares how she went to the UK and became a housemaid, working 16-18 hours a day. She was closely watched and monitored and not allowed to step outside or receive a call (or make one back to her home country). #Human trafficking, #domestic servitude
Deception, retention of documentation, withholding of wages, physical violence, abusive working and living conditions