HRC Launched Our First Online Workshop on Empowering Taiwanese Employers of Migrant Domestic Workers

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November 24, 2021
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「好雇主的線上工作坊」- 憫研顧問的第一場中文線上工作坊

On 16th November 2021, HRC has launched our first mandarin online workshop “Employing a Migrant Domestic Worker: How to Become a Lawful Employer in Taiwan”.

There is a rising demand for long-term care (LTC) in Taiwan in recent years as its population continued to age. Without a sufficient local domestic nursing workforce and a robust LTC system, senior citizens and their families in Taiwan highly rely on migrant domestic workers, especially those from Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam, to fill up the needs of the LTC services.

According to the Ministry of Labour, as of June 2021, there are more than 240,000 migrant domestic workers in Taiwan, being employed by 240,000 Taiwanese employers. However, (a) as recruitment agencies are in weighty control of the migrant workers’ market, and; (b) without a clear guideline on the roles and responsibilities of employers,

most Taiwanese employers are not fully knowledgeable about the relevant laws and regulations of employing migrant domestic workers, let alone understanding how to effectively communicate and building a balanced relationship with their employees.

This workshop brought together various relevant topics to empower Taiwanese employers to become more lawful and empathetic, as well as protecting the rights of migrant domestic workers. These discussions include International Conventions and local regulations, the direct hiring system that benefits both the employers and the employees, and common questions and challenges that these employers may encounter.

Receiving positive feedback from our participants, HRC is looking forward to launching more online workshops on different topics, and engaging more people in this movement of promoting inclusiveness in global supply chains, and fostering balanced and harmonious labour-employer relations.


然而,許多雇主並不清楚該如何對待家中的移工,或是再雇用移工時應遵守什麼樣的法律。除了部分仲介之外,雇主們在遇到僱傭相關問題時,也不知道該向誰求助及如何解決。今年(2021)11 月16日,憫研顧問推出了「好雇主的線上工作坊」,與台灣家務移工的雇主們分享相關的國內外法律知識、台灣的直接聘僱系統與申請方式,以及如何用同理心對待家中的移工以創造更平衡和諧的僱用關係。

